Throughout my teenage years I've had many different haircuts. I loved trying out new things, and whatever I chose to do with my hair I always loved the results. I've had a side-swept fringe, normal fringe, long hair, short hair, bob, sidecut and so on. When I was around 16 I decided not to cut my hair short anymore, which eventually resulted in this:

All of these photos was taken in 2014 when my hair was at it's longest. I loved my hair back then, and it was honestly my favourite part of my appearance. My confidence was at it's peak whenever I had a good hair-day, but this also meant that my confidence was low if I bad hair-day. Right now my hair is not that far from being the same length as in the pictures above. I don't know what's happened since then, but I can't remember the last time I had a haircut and actually being pleased afterwards. Somehow my hair has now become my least favourite part about my appearance. Why? Well, I keep jumping back and forth between wanting long and short hair. I can't seem to go through one day without both liking and disliking my hair. Luckily my confidence doesn't depend on my hair anymore, but it's still something that annoys me almost every day.
The last time I cut my hair kinda short was in May last year, and I remember going home crying afterwards. Not because my hair didn't look good (it actually looked great), it just wasn't what I wanted after all. See, this is the downside about being indecisive like me... It's got to a point where I don't really think it matters which haircut I choose, considering I'll most likely regret it afterwards anyway. So I might as well try out something new?
I've been toying with the idea of cutting my hair short again. Not as short as when I had a bob, but still shorter than any haircut I've had since I was 16. As you can see in the pictures above, it's kind of a big change. A change which I'll most likely regret. However, I'll probably also regret it if I end up choosing a mid length haircut. Aaah decisions... If you have any thoughts, please let me know. I'll keep you posted on whatever I choose.